The black cloud.

What is the black cloud? I can tell you one thing, it’s really freaking heavy. It doesn’t sit “on you” so much as it sits “inside you”. It feeds off your soul and while this is happening, you can feel it. It hurts. It drains. It makes you feel sad, useless and hopeless. It’s a heavy feeling in my throat. It’s a pressure that absolutely sits inside of me weighing me down. I hate this. I didn’t ask for this. If I could snap out of it, don’t you think I would choose that?
This cloud makes me ultra sensitive to what people say or don’t say. What people do or don’t do. It makes words effect me like no other — either they cut me deep, resonate with me, echo in my mind for days and days…the cloud just makes me react differently, in a different way than what I typically would under “normal” circumstances.

What is normal, anyway?

Normal is a lie. It doesn’t exist.

Normal is a fallacy created to act as this unfair measuring stick that we feel the need to stack our lives up against to see “how we’re doing”. It’s bullshit, frankly. I reject the idea of it.

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